HR Photography Israël photos and Chizuk Torah...
The man who knows how to rise spiritually in this world has acquired a high level. This is a long path and often takes a lifetime. By virtue of the fact the fact that humans being aspire to improve and elevate himself spiritually, we usually face to many difficulties and trials along the way. Indeed, at some point in our lives, we are all confronted with an event that seems so terrible to us we feel emotionally and psychologically threatened :
-The loss of a loved one,
- a job that we thought was stable is lost,
- health suddenly deteriorates ...
Even most optimistic people are agree to say life can be a roller coaster, one moment raising us to the highest heights, the next moment plunging us into the abyss.
But with trust in God, listening Chizuk Torah and trying to see a positive outlook on the situation we will achieve to maintain joy and we will be able to experience trials more easily.
If a soldier falls in battle, he cannot think about what happened and why he fell, he has to keep fighting. This also applies to the man's struggle against evil inclination; If we fall down when there are trials , we have to know how to get up and move forward. Even the "falls" come from the God and all is for our goodness.
The Torah tells us : “nothing bad comes down from God.” This statement from our Sages means whatever happens is inherently good, because it comes from God who is the essence of goodness. With trust in God, hope and listening Chizuk Torah we can continue to progress and grow up spiritually.
In order to go through difficult times with serenity, HR Photography Israël reveals pictures full of strenght and hope.
Pictures of the year 5783 taken by HR Photography Israël deliver messages of courage with words of Chizuk Torah.