HR Photography Israël architecture photographer in Israël
Architectural photography is a technical approach of photography: It requires being present at the moment of ideal lighting, working with large-angle lenses and performing post-production work without geometric distortion (perspective shift, correction distortions of objectives ...). As a general rule, the architecture photographer must respect the volumes, the colours, straighten out the elusive perspectives, highlight the materials and / or specificities of the work. He therefore complies to follow the bill of specifications. Having the photographic eye is not to limit oneself to show the architectural form graphically; it is knowing how to prioritize and organize the images produced in terms of information, aesthetics, emotions and meanings to constitute a constructed, coherent and harmonious report on the architectural or urban project. To correctly tell the story of a building, in addition to technical and specific material, architectural photography requires a sharp and singular look, both architectural and photographic. You should know that a picture of interior or architecture picture is successful when it is at the same time graphic, aesthetic, and harmonious, it transposes an atmosphere, or tells us a story about the place. Often uniform contemporary architecture photography must be enhanced by strong images, beautiful, modern and rich in content, serving the actors of architectural, landscape and urban construction. For your future project of photographic report,
HR Photography Israël will join you the time of an architecture shooting.We will try to highlight by our captures of the specific features of both traditional and interior architecture as the facades of the site.We will deliver all photos in High Definition on USB key within 2 weeks.